DAI 627 Course Resources

LINKS ++++++++++++++++

Virtual Harlem - in SL, search for any of several locations and teleport.  Developer:  http://bcmini.squarespace.com/multimedia/

Immersive Journalism (related to Beth Renneisen's Meteor Slams Dorm)
YouTube:  Virtual Gitmo [updated May 2009]

Virtual Gitmo:  http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/albania801/interview/drax.html


SL Snapshot (camera icon) - Key is learning how to position camera via zoom and orbit to get the shots you want.
Video documentation using Fraps - Download/install free version from http://www.fraps.com/download.php and practice it BEFORE needing it.


11/4  Janis Nakano Spivack, Nakano Spivack Consulting Group.  Creative Executive with award-winning experience spanning traditional and cutting-edge media. Extensive background in New Media including the following platforms; Digital Outdoor, Internet, 3D Virtual Worlds, IM +. 10 years in traditional media with emphasis in TV and Print. VP, Experience Design at Reactrix Systems, VP, Creative at There.com (online virtual world), Chief Creative Officer at Organic, Inc., creative officer at several pioneering dotcom companies such as LeftBrain-RightBrain, GOfISH!, and Creative Director, Interaction Designer and Producer at the pioneering daVinci Time & Space.

10/14  Claudia L'Amoreax, former director of Community Education at Linden Labs, developers of Second Life, blogger ( http://connectedpd.posterous.com ) and community education activist (surf to http://ijlm.net/knowing and nose around in the Volumes, get an idea of the kinds of educational applications virtual worlds, serious games, and other forms of digital media are researched, prototyped, and applied today. Her presentations (scroll thru images, click on presentations):

10/7  Beth Renneisen presents 2009 DAI 627 Event "Meteor Slams Dorm". 
Her MA Thesis document incorporating her DAI 627 experimental event information, documentation, and survey results:  http://gnusart.com/thesis/


2006 List of Virtual Worlds - http://www.virtualworldsreview.com/info/categories.shtml(frozen in 2006)

List of 3D (only) Virtual Worlds - http://arianeb.com/more3Dworlds.htm
(and See list of other VWs, some 2D, at bottom of this document)
USC Institute for Creative Technologies - virtual reality, games, and augmented reality 
for military training, immersive journalism

2011 T2 Conference: (HEALTH) Opportunities and Challenges for PTSD and TBI Applications.  http://vwconference.t2health.org/

Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds Conference
Note list of suggested topics for submitted papers (might provide some ideas)

The Virtual World Conference - see info (top menu bar) from 2010 conference; Next one 2012.

A couple of virtual business conference companies: http://avayalive.com/WaStore/http://www.6connex.com/

New Media Consortium 2010 SURVEY of Educational Applications in Virtual Worlds. LINK for NMC Survey, Organization = http://www.nmc.org/

International Journal of Learning and Media  http://ijlm.net/ 

Inspiring: PBS program “Digital Media:  New Learners of the 21st Century”
, 2011 (full program)
Encouraging contemporary prototypes of new models of public education that take advantage of the informal learning that today's kids do with digital media.  The role of public school teachers in this model looks like a very attractive career path!  Includes brilliant thinkers in this area e.g. Henry Jenkins and James Gee.

The Katie Salen directed learning program using game design that is featured in this PBS program.

Journal of Virtual Studies - 2011 Issue: Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research - http://jvwresearch.org/ 
The International Journal of Computer Games Research

Games, Learning + Society Research Group

The Daedalus Project: Psychology of MMORPGs (research studies on gamers) Nick Yee

Virtual Worlds Economy/Economies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Castronova (who also blogs on Terra Nova)
and Google "Edward Castronova" to see/hear podcasts of talks, interviews, etc.
Graduate Students: You can probably use your library database research skills to get access to his papers, listed on the bibliography in fuller detail than on his wiki page.

Terra Nova - Weblog on virtual worlds (interdisciplinary writers, led by Castronova)

http://ict.usc.edu/  USC Institute for Creative Technologies (military Vis Sim, VR, etc)

Links to Other VWS +++++++++++++++
http://www.imvu.com  - Facebook dress-up and chat
http://www.weeworld.com/ - social games and mobile apps, includes lots of advertising as well as social/charitable campaigns
http://www.habbo.com/ - 2D virtual world
http://www.viethegame.com - adult fantasy, games
http://www.kaneva.com  - Digital metropolis, social, video sharing
http://www.smallworlds.com - based in New Zealand, 2D, roleplaying, games
http://www.entropiauniverse.com/  - Swedish, role playing, 3D, games
http://jvwresearch.org/ - journal of virtual worlds research
http://gojiyo.com/  on ariane’s list
http://www.saic.com/products/simulation/olive/ - enterprise vw platform for training, etc
http://www.yownow.com/main.php (after you play movie, click on Mythology)
http://www.polarheroes.com/ (social edutainment)

READINGS +++++++++++++++

Veeder - Depth Perception Notes (pdf)
Veeder - Motion Perception Notes (pdf)

Gartner Says the World of Work Will Witness 10 Changes During the Next 10 Years

Janet Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck chapter - Agency 
Janet Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck Chapter - Immersion
Janet Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck Chapter - Transformation

Henry Jenkins,Complete Freedom of Movement: Videogames as Gendered Play Spaces"
SCAN: Testimony before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, Washington, D.C., May 4, 1999 (following Columbine massacre, April 20, 1999)
Columbine CONTEXT:
White Paper Digital Media + Learning  http://digitallearning.macfound.org/atf/cf/%7B7E45C7E0-A3E0-4B89-AC9C-E807E1B0AE4E%7D/JENKINS_WHITE_PAPER.PDF 
Games as Narrative Architecture, 2005, Electronic Book Review